oh............. -- *****************************************************************************************To think only the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.
"kenneth" <ask.me@newsgroup.> 在郵件張貼內容主旨 485134cf@news.newsgroup.cc 中撰寫...
but my beetle not ready yet. :( Yellow Godzilla wrote:we should go SMD that day - 22nd June《 Say LA!!! 》 《 xFile HK 》 http://say.la http://xfile.hk 《 JK News Reader 》可到 : http://reader.newsgroup.cc / http://newsgroup.jp/JackyKit
《 Say LA!!! 》 《 xFile HK 》 http://say.la http://xfile.hk 《 JK News Reader 》 可到 : http://reader.newsgroup.cc / http://newsgroup.jp/JackyKit